Born in Watford, Ontario in 1910, Lorriene Sharp came to Port Arthur with her parents in the early 1920s. An all-round athlete, she starred for the Port Arthur South End Ladies Ice Hockey team, who were Western Canada Champions in the year 1927.
During the summer months this exceptional athlete could be found on local diamonds. In 1930, she pitched her way to the City and District Championships with the South End Ladies Soft Ball team.
Some of Lorriene’s greatest honours were earned in Five Pin Bowling. On January 20th, 1933, she bowled a 446 single game at the City Recreation Lanes in Port Arthur, leaving only one pin standing between her and a perfect score. This high single game was recognized by the Canadian Bowling Association as a World Record in Five Pin Bowling for many years, and continued to be the highest ladies’ single in the Lakehead until a perfect game of 450 was bowled in 1972.
She continued her involvement in sport after her marriage to fellow bowling enthusiast J.D. Henry in 1933. Sadly, Lorriene Sharp Henry passed away on October 11th, 1963, at the age of only 53.
Inducted into the Northwestern Ontario Sports Hall of Fame, October 1, 1983
Lorriene Sharp