Monday, July 26th, 2021 ~ Fort William Golf & Country Club
12:00 - Registration & Lunch ~ 2:00 Tee-Off
9 holes ~ 4 Person Scramble ~ $100 per person
Since 1988 the Northwestern Ontario Sports Hall of Fame has hosted an annual golf tournament to raise funds to help operate our facility and provide educational programming. Due to COVID-19, we hosted a challenge format last year, but this year we are holding an in-person event, with a few changes from previous years.
To help keep everyone safe, we are reducing our team format from 5 to 4-person teams
We have lowered registration fees to $100 (carts are extra – please book with the pro shop in advance)
Rather than have people gather indoors for dinner we will be holding registration and a lunch outdoors starting at 12:00 noon prior to our 2:00 tee-off.
Following play, we will gather outdoors to distribute prizes to our tournament and special hole winners and hold our 50/50 and special raffle draws.
So register today for the 2021 Fred Bragnalo Memorial Golf Tournament and have some fun while supporting the Northwestern Ontario Sports Hall of Fame.
Call: (807) 622-2852
Email: nwosport@tbaytel.net
Online: Click HERE!
Sponsorship Opportunities!
If you would like to sponsor the event please give us a call or you can learn more about our sponsorship opportunities by click here!
Since 1988 the Northwestern Ontario Sports Hall of Fame has hosted an annual golf tournament to raise funds to help operate our facility, provide educational programming and preserve and honour our regional sports heritage.
Our 2024 RBC Royal Bank Fred Bragnalo Memorial Golf Tournament is being held at the Fort William Golf & Country Club on Monday, July 22nd, 2024. Participants will have the chance to enjoy a fun afternoon of 9 holes of golf at one of Thunder Bay’s historic and premier courses, followed by a meal, prizes, silent auction, raffles, and a chance to socialize while helping to raise money for sports heritage.
Learn more about this popular event. Register today by calling (807) 622-2852 or fill out a registration form and email to nwosport@tbaytel.net. Consider becoming a sponsor of our tournament or donate something for prizes or our silent auction table to help us raise money to support the Sports Hall of Fame.
We would like to thank everyone who helped make the RBC 2023 Fred Bragnalo Memorial Golf Tournament a great success. With the support of our golfers, sponsors, volunteers and staff we raised over $21,000! Read the 2023 Tournament Program here.
Photos from the 2023 Fred Bragnalo Memorial Golf Tournament

2023 Champions
Front 9 champs: , Greg Pettypiece, Gary Nistico, Jared Rosenfeld, Wayne Fortes.
Back 9 champs: Joe McDonough, Kyle McGillivray, Rob McDonough, David DePiero.